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BYU On-Line High School Courses 
WLHS offers credit recovery and enrichment opportunities through the BYU on-line high school program. For a modest registration fee, students may enroll in core or elective courses that meet WLHS graduation requirements. Prior approval by the student’s school counselor and administration is required, and most Special Programs courses require passing an exam that is proctored by the guidance department. Students may complete work in the BYU online courses outside the regular school day and during the summer. For a complete listing of the high school courses that are offered in this program, see the BYU Independent Study Online Courses Catalog.


Virtual High School 

WLHS is a participating member of a national and international online learning experience called Virtual High School (VHS). Offering over 300 full year and semester courses (20 of which are AP), VHS provides our students with learning opportunities that no one school system could afford. Courses run the gamut from “AP Environmental Science” to “Basic Mandarin” to “Contemporary Irish Literature” to “Shakespeare in Films”   Permission of site coordinator and school counselor are necessary for students to enroll in VHS classes.  For a complete listing of courses, see the VHS Catalog.  VHS is open to students who want to take an AP course or an enrichment elective not available at WLHS. Students must take the class as an additional course and must have an assigned study hall. Students assigned to a VHS course check in to the media center where they will sign into their course under the supervision of the media center staff.  Ideal candidates are disciplined, self-motivated students with good attendance records. Students who wish to enroll in a VHS course must consult with their school counselor early in the course request process to be sure the course meets requirements and to discuss the unique requirements of this special learning environment.  Application forms are available from school counselors.   Note: There is no additional cost to the student, and the course counts as part of the student’s GPA. 

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